Rouhani: US imperialism a more dangerous virus than corona
- شناسه خبر: 2871
- تاریخ و زمان ارسال: 26 فروردین 1399 ساعت 02:28
- نویسنده: بردباری نیوز

, bordbarinews- IRNA –.Rouhani made the remarks during a phone conversation with his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolas Maduro late on Monday when he added that Iran and Venezuela have been able to withstand the invasive and old virus of the US well through solidarity and boosting cooperation.
Referring to Iran’s capabilities in fighting coronavirus and successes achieved in producing testing kits, he voiced readiness for sharing experience with the friendly country Venezuela in the field of fighting coronavirus.
He assessed steps taken during the OPEC plus session, saying, “We should continue cooperation in reducing production until prices return to the balance.”
Mutual cooperation should continue vigorously and the two countries’ officials should strive in this respect so that the two governments will be able to heal each other, Rouhani said, maintaining that promoting bilateral relations will surely benefit the two great nations of Iran and Venezuela.
Slamming US cruel and unilateral sanctions against Iran, Iranian president said that they are running counter to international regulations and humanitarian principles.
Maduro, for his part during the phone call, voiced solidarity with the Iranian government and people and commended Iran’s successes in fighting COVID-19, saying that Iran and Venezuela have always been united in the fight against imperialism and are on the same front.
All countries are engaged in common fight against coronavirus, he said, noting that overcoming the virus is a hard job and require more efforts.
Venezuelan president referred to OPEC plus session, saying that despite its extensive efforts, the US failed to block progress of freedom-seeking states.
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