US showed its enmity with Iranian people by denying visa to vocalist: Gov’t spox
- شناسه خبر: 4386
- تاریخ و زمان ارسال: 14 فروردین 1401 ساعت 09:33
- نویسنده: بردباری نیوز
The spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran Government Ali Bahadori Jahromi said that the US’ imposing new sanctions against Iran and denying the Iranian singer to enter the US indicated Washington's animosity with the Iranian people.

The US government that has a history of breaking promises and violating international law and human rights showed that it’s hostile towards the Iranian “people” under any condition by imposing new sanctions and denying an Iranian vocalist the US entry based on false pretexts while claiming to have goodwill, Bahadori Jahromi wrote in a tweet on Saturday.
Alireza Ghorbani, Iranian vocalist who was slated to perform in the sold-out celebration of Nowruz at Costa Mesa’s Segerstrom Center for the Arts, cancelled his performance because he was denied the US entry.
Authorities from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services detained Ghorabani on Friday in Toronto airport and interrogated him for four hours before cancelling his visa.