آمادگی کامل دانشگاه تبریز برای برگزاری المپیاد فرهنگی ورزشی دانشجویان
- شناسه خبر: 4918
- تاریخ و زمان ارسال: 15 تیر 1401 ساعت 09:41
- نویسنده: بردباری نیوز

وی در ارتباط با تاریخچهی این المپیاد، گفت: دانشگاه تبریز بعد از سال ۱۳۷۶ که میزبان المپیاد پسران بود، اکنون بعد از ۲۵ سال دومین میزبانی خود را تجربه میکند که این المپیاد در بخش پسران و دختران برگزار میشود.
مهمترین نکتهی المپیاد، حضور دانشجویان بعد از دو سال وقفه به خاطر کرونا است
وی افزود: این دوره از المپیاد در سال ۱۳۹۹ به دلیل شیوع ویروس کرونا، برگزار نشد و خوشبختانه بعد از فروکش کردن ویروس کرونا بعد از چهار سال برگزار میشود.
دکتر امامعلیپور خاطرنشان کرد: مهمترین نکتهی المپیاد این است که دانشجویان بعد از دوری دو ساله از دانشگاه و شرایط خاصی که حاکم بود، در دانشگاها حاضر میشوند و سازمان امور دانشجویان نیز نسبت به برگزاری این المپیاد تاکید داشت.
وی همچنین یادآور شد: برگزاری این المپیاد در دانشگاه تبریز، قسمت آخر یک روند طولانی است که بعد از سرگیری آموزش حضوری، جنب و جوش خاصی در دانشگاهها ایجاد شده است و دانشگاه باید آمادهی برگزاری این المپیاد میشد که چندین هزار نفر از عوامل اجرایی دانشگاه تبریز درگیر این المپیاد هستند.
برگزاری استارت آپهای ورزشی در المپیاد
معاون دانشجویی دانشگاه تبریز اضافه کرد: ما علاوه بر مسابقات ورزشی، استارت آپ ورزشی نیز خواهیم داشت که در روز افتتاحیهی المپیاد، اختتامیه استارت آپ ورزشی نیز برگزار میشود و با توجه به اینکه بحث دانشبنیان در حوزهی ورزش مهم است، در راستای فرمایشات رهبر انقلاب در خصوص شعار سال، این استارت آپ ورزشی نیز برای اولین بار برگزار میشود.
وی اضافه کرد: استارت آپهای ورزشی با همکاری پارک علم و فناوری استان برگزار شده و ۵۰ شرکت در آن حضور دارند که تا افتتاحیه المپیاد، داوریها انجام و تیمهای راه یافته به مرحلهی نهایی میروند.
سرپرست کل پانزدهمین المپیاد فرهنگی ورزشی دانشجویان دختر و پسر دانشگاهها و موسسات آموزش عالی کشور با بیان اینکه المپیاد پانزدهم المپیاد سیز است، گفت: ما از هیچ کاغذی استفاده نخواهیم کرد و همهی موارد در سایت و نرم افزار کاربردی ویژهی المپیاد ثبت میشود و این اتفاق خوبی است که در حوزهی معاونت فرهنگی رخ میدهد.
وی اظهار کرد: تغذیه از شاخصههای اصلی المپیاد است که در کنار تامین تغذیه، داشتن تخصص در حوزهی تغذیهی ورزشی نیز لازم است که ما در این عرصه هم ورود کردهایم و مستقیماً نظارت داریم.
وی ادامه داد: المپیاد ورزشی فرهنگی دانشجویان هر دو سال یکبار برگزار میشود و صرفاً سه ماه است که میزبانی آن از سوی دانشگاه تبریز تعیین شده و فشار مضاعفی برای دانشگاه بود تا خود را آماده کند اما در طول این سه ماه با حمایت مسئولین، دانشگاه آماده شده و یکشنبهی هفتهی آینده افتتاحیهی آن میخورد.
معاون دانشجویی دانشگاه تبریز خاطرنشان کرد: دانشگاه تبریز به ازای هر دانشجو چهار متر مربع، سرانه ورزشی دارد؛ بنابراین سازمان امور دانشجویان نیز بر همین اساس برگزاری این المپیاد را بر عهده دانشگاه تبریز گذاشته است.
برنامه مسابقات
وی تاکید کرد: ۱۷ تیر ماه زمان ورود تیمها به دهکده مسابقات بوده و ۱۸ تیر افتتاحیه مسابقات در بخش دختران برگزار و همزمان مسابقات در رشتههای فوتسال، والیبال، بسکتبال، تنیس روی میز، تکواندو، بدمینتون و تیراندازی آغاز خواهد شد و فینال دختران ۲۴ تیر برگزار میشود، همچنین رشتههای تنیس روی میز، تکواندو، بدمینتون، تیراندازی دختران از ۱۸ تا ۲۰ تیر و رشتههای شنا، کاراته و دوومیدانی ۲۳و ۲۴ تیر ماه برگزار میشوند.
وی یادآور شد: ورود تیمهای پسران نیز به دهکده مسابقات ۲۸ تیر ماه خواهد بود و افتتاحیهی المپیاد پسران نیز ۲۹ تیر برگزار و در ۱۱ رشتهی ورزشی مسابقات خود را آغاز خواهند کرد که رشتههای فوتسال، بسکتبال و والیبال در هشت روز پیگیری و بازیهای ردهبندی و فینال در چهارم مرداد ماه برگزار خواهد شد و رشتههای تکواندو، تنیس روی میز، بدمینتون و تیرندازی پسران در سه روز از ۲۹ تیر تا ۳۱ تیر برگزار شده و رشتههای شنا، کشتی آزاد، کشتی فرنگی، کاراته هم در سوم و چهارم مرداد ماه انجام میشود.
اختصاص ۲۵ میلیارد تومان اعتبار برای پانزدهمین المپیاد ورزشی دانشجویان
مدیرکل تربیت بدنی سازمان امور دانشجویان ما از سال ۱۳۹۹ آماده برگزاری المپیاد پانزدهم در دانشگاه گیلان بودیم و و سه بار نیز تا مرز برگزاری آن رفتیم که به دلیل شیوع ویروس کرونا برگزار نشد.
دکتر ابراهیم علیدوست ادامه داد: سال گذشته ۱۸ رشته برای پسران و ۱۴ رشته برای دختران تعیین کرده بودیم که به دلیل شیوع ویروس کرونا قرار شد، تعداد رشتهها و نفرات را کاهش دهیم و نهایتاً جمع بندی این شد که المپیاد را در سال ۱۴۰۱ برگزار کنیم اما دانشگاه گیلان میزبانی آن را نپذیرفت و به سراغ کاندیدای بعدی که دانشگاه تبریز بود، رفتیم.
وی افزود: بعد از اینکه دانشگاه تبریز در بهمن ماه برای میزبانی این مسابقات اعلام آمادگی کرد، اسفند ماه از دانشگاه بازدید و آمادگی دانشگاه برای برگزاری آن را تایید کردیم اما متاسفانه پس از آن به دلیل تعطیلات عید نوروز و ماه رمضان تاخیر به وجود آمد.
مدیرکل تربیت بدنی سازمان امور دانشجویان کشور خاطرنشان کرد: المپیادهای دانشجویی، رخدادهای بزرگی هستند که این المپیاد اولین رویداد بزرگ کشوری پس از شیوع ویروس کرونا است که در ۲۲ رشته ورزشی، ۱۰ رشته برای دختران و ۱۲ رشته برای پسران برگزار میشود و اهمیت رویداد از این جهت است که برای افتتاحیه، وزیر علوم و ورزش هم حضور خواهند داشت.
وی اضافه کرد: دو هزار و ۸۰۰ ورزشکار در این المپیاد حضور دارند که یک هزار و ۳۰۰ دختر و یک هزار و ۵۰۰ پسر خواهند بود که بیش از ۵ هزار نفر در این رویداد حاضر خواهند شد و نکتهی مهم حضور قهرمانان ملی در این المپیاد است.
مدیرکل تربیت بدنی سازمان امور دانشجویان کشور یادآور شد: افتتاحیه و اختتامیه این المپیاد و برخی از رویدادهای آن، علاوه بر شبکهی سهند از شبکهی خبر، سه و ورزش نمایش داده میشوند که پوشش اصلی آن بر عهدهی صداوسیما است.
وی تاکید کرد: باید تلاش کنیم تا دانشجویان از این رویداد، خاطرهی خوبی داشته باشند و ظرفیتهای استانی هم فعال شود البته ما در برگزاری این المپیاد از ظرفیت نیروهای داوطلب هم استفاده کردهایم.
وی افزود: از ۱۱ فدراسیون که تیمهای ورزشی آنها در المپیاد حضور دارند، دعوت شده است تا تیمها را رصد کرده و استعدادها را شناسایی کنند که ظرفیت خوبی برای ورود دانشجویان به ورزش حرفهای است.
دکتر محمدرسول خدادادی، دبیر کل اجرایی پانزدهمین دوره المپیاد فرهنگی ورزشی دانشجویان دختر و پسر دانشگاهها و موسسات آموزش عالی کشور نیز در خصوص برنامههای گردشگری این المپیاد گفت: کمیتهای برای برنامههای فرهنگی این المپیاد مد نظر قرار گرفته ایم و در داخل دانشگاه و خوابگاه فضاهای فرهنگی ایجاد شده است تا دانشجویان از ظرفیتهای گردشگری و فضاهای تاریخی تبریز هم استفاده کنند.
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Farmers in Canada aren’t afraid of placing animals to work because of the tax benefits they’ll gain from it.
Commonwealth Court Choose Johnny Butler dismissed these allegations on September 16, allowing Barr to stay on the state’s ballot.
These include hedge funds, commodities, risk capital and property.
For example, the format of a public plaza or park can encourage people to assemble, engage in dialog, and build relationships.
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Survivors embrace his spouse, of the home; five sons, H. D., Eddie L., J. B., Earl F., and Robert A. ; two sisters, Winnie and one brother, Roy Morgan, of Albuquerque, N.M.; 17 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
This means that all your “buy-write” trades shouldn’t be confined to a single industry sector-and certainly shouldn’t be focused on only one or two stocks.
Baker, R.H.A. (2002) An analysis of pest risk from an Asian longhorn beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) to hardwood trees in the European Community.
He’s a member of State Bar of Georgia, Worldwide Bar Associations, American Association of Attorney-Certified Public Accountants, the Tennessee Bar Association, the ABA Section on Taxation and several of its nationwide committees.
These certifications are given to individuals and corporations which might be knowledgeable and enthusiastic about finances and may handle them nicely conserving the curiosity of their clients first.
Investing in international trade market can earn an enormous quantity of income.
Then decide whether to retain the same positioning or create a new one, and if so, which new one.
In Switzerland, the oil shock led to such a rush on funding money that it was thought-about to close the exchanges.
A number of of her works are in St John, Upper Maze Hill in Hastings and in Jevington.
Mary Lowndes. Archived 2013-07-09 at the Wayback Machine Sussex Parish Churches.
At a minimum, you must have enough cash (equity) in your margin account to equal 25 percent of the total price of the stock you own.
Future1Coin is also developing a good governance authentication process for ICOs.
Spruce up the present assortment with the brilliantly designed bangles and bracelets picked up from the web retailer and see how the ethnic outfits look.
Britain felt disadvantaged in trade as a result of items from China had been in excessive demand, however their goods were not in demand in China.
The hospitality trade is huge and very diverse.
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William Henry Cavill Bentley.
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The reality is, a lot of people buy time period and so they spend the difference.
۲۶. A sq.-neck maxi out there in quite a lot of hues, that means, sadly, you won’t be ready to decide on just one.
On October 20, 1834, service was expanded to the realm generally known as Marion Junction, reaching the Hudson River.
Whether or not you love or hate numbers, this essential activity can imply the difference between dwelling comfortably and choosing change out of (other individuals’s) sofa cushions to buy pizza once a month.
Agnes Muriel Roxburgh, Warden, Leith Home Hostel for Men, Edinburgh.
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The country which was striving to have its own international standing has become a joke in just two weeks and it will continue to be so because the group of opposing parties will barely have any agreement putting Pakistan’s economic recovery down the drain even faster.
Segers, Frank (June 24, 2012).
Now songs are blisteringly loud from begin to complete.
Your voice is digitized, and your voice along with thousands of others can be combined onto a single fiber optic cable for much of the journey (there’s still a dedicated piece of copper wire going into your house, though).
Every month, the identical quantity left my account robotically.
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Paul had previously made favorable feedback about Barr’s marketing campaign, leaving the candidate to feel that he alone should have received the endorsement.
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It seems consistent with what we are seeing and hearing with the economy overall and it would be too early to tell whether the economy is growing during the first quarter of 2012.
Do you feel an actual connection to nature when you’re exterior?
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During this time, indoor dining was prohibited at restaurants apart from out of doors dining at 50 capacity, indoor operations at gyms have been prohibited, indoor gatherings had been restricted to 10 folks, outside gatherings have been limited to 50 people, youth sports activities and in-particular person extracurricular activities had been prohibited, companies were limited to 50 capacity, and in-person leisure together with theaters, live performance venues, museums, arcades, casinos, and bowling alleys were ordered to be closed.
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Using your cell phone (and your carrier’s monthly data plan allotment) as a data conduit, Entune is able to communicate with the remote servers that process your requests and feed them back as information on the car’s navigation screen.
CC: The awards I’ve acquired are very cool, and one thing I respect an awesome deal.
Money, History, and Worldwide Finance: Essays in Honor of Anna J. Schwartz.
Even with this cultural shift, one integral facet of Sherpa life has not changed: the strolling.
Quality brushes make any painting process go more simply and quickly, and they are often totally cleaned to appear to be new for the subsequent job.
Dabney, William M. (1954).
Whch of these borrowed its name from a cartoon?
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This number of the crossover reverse lunge will strengthen your arms as properly.
It’s vital to start lead training your new French bulldog child early.
Hazard danger – In case of theft, fireplace, floods or every other calamity.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each merchandise.
Many were faked during the 1880s, a interval that included the fad of aging troopers in collecting Civil Warfare autographs.
Interests in stable organizations that can become will in general make benefits for speculators.
By the early twentieth century, Revelstoke had develop into a preferred skiing space, certainly one of the first ski locations in North America.
However, this and many other nontraditional and lower-ranking titles are not universally recognized as corporate officers, and they tend to be specific to particular organizational cultures or the preferences of employees.
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Regardless that each types require a gradual stream of electricity, gas models are barely extra environment friendly.
As an example, you could possibly opt for a hard and fast rate of curiosity as compared to a floating one, which may change in accordance with inflation or market tendencies.
Simply put, the buyer invests a certain amount in a particular binary option and selects a maturity date, or a time when the option will be tested.
If in case you have a wireless Web router in your house, or if you are sitting at a Starbucks with wireless Internet access, you need to use your mobile phone to make VoIP calls.
Normally these all-volunteer teams keep undesirable animals in private properties till they are adopted.
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The organizer of the shoot, Amelie D Wedding, makes a speciality of navy weddings and proposed the shoot be on the Chateau Du Mouillat for its sober and shiny reception room, as well as its condominium related to the character of the old and the charm of the trendy.
People often do that when they change jobs because IRAs tend to offer more funding choices than 401(ok) plans do.
September 2011: The Greater Pittston space, along with the rest of Luzerne County, witnessed historical flooding from Tropical Storm Lee.
Needless to say the second option is to mine them and most often than not mining takes place on software that performs certain mathematical equations for which the trader is rewarded some Bitcoins.
US Division of Commerce.
Early versions of the scheme date back to 1989, when hackers distributed the AIDS Trojan horse through snail mail via infected floppy disks.
This however limits trade analysis ability, and is therefore more useful in understanding dynamics rather than book and trading interaction.
When the Xbox and Gamecube launched in November of that same year, they each brought a much better lineup of titles than Sony had a year earlier, but by that point, the PS2 had come into its own and offered the stronger, more varied game library.
Protests in prison towns were widespread, and individuals who denied prisoners entry had been punished for disobeying the Continental Congress within the form of fines, jail time, and even property expropriation.
Making payments in crypto will help you attract more investors or users, enhance your business, and increase revenue.
Edgar Stanley Cridge, British Topic resident in Chile.
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Just ensure to make use of a bulb with the identical wattage as what is beneficial for the fixture.
The water can escape via an opening, but whereas passing by way of, drives a turbine.
After you have read up on the latest modifications and filed your tax returns, be sure that to keep away from the subsequent mistake on our checklist.
Brandes Gratz, Roberta (July 7, 2011).
Qe8. Right here Nepomniachtchi (White) would have maintained an advantage with 20.c4 fairly than enjoying the passive transfer 20.Red1, creating space for White to play c5.
A CFD (an abbreviation for Contract For Distinction ) is just an settlement among two events to exchange the difference of the opening worth and the closing price of an underlying share as soon as the contract has been closed, this worth being multiplied by the quantity of shares specified in the open contract.
Another most important task of the analyst is analytical work.
Despite the very fact the works had been submitted after the official deadline, the organizers of the occasion have been convinced by his expertise and decided to show it anyway.
But that still leaves the burning query – what do you do in case you assume someone is routinely using your WiFi without your permission?
Should you as a enterprise power have some good accounting background and a stable understanding of business finances, it could show to be a great place to chop costs.
Matching funds to qualify for QZAB funding were supplied via non-public donations.
This made all the arduous selections (like working additional hours, making more than the minimal monthly payment, and choosing to not eat out) simpler when I was reminded of why we had been working so laborious.
Additionally, stay online training and e-learning can readily be utilized collectively.
Usually, socially responsible investors favor company practices which might be environmentally responsible, help workplace variety and enhance product security and high quality.
So, with out further ado, we’ll move on to our glossary time period for the day, which fortuitously has very a lot to do with the subject at hand, the topic of energy efficiency and local weather control.
۴. The challenges are internal and external: dealing with staff educated in the new rules and explaining to customers how and what these complicated rules imply.A excessive stage of user training and understanding as well as shopper education is required as failure to adjust to the regulation would end in heavy fines.
Entry to green spaces in cities has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved cognitive operate, and elevated general happiness.
Sagarmatha National Park hosts an array of exotic animals, resembling snow leopards, purple pandas and musk deer.
Incidents arising from these programs can be mapped to IT Risk repositories, enabling incident response teams to judge their danger to the group.
Usually, their parents would forbid them from speaking to strangers, begging for candy and roaming the streets at night time.
The implication is that a rational investor will not invest in a portfolio if a second portfolio exists with a more favorable risk vs expected return profile – i.e., if for that level of risk an alternative portfolio exists that has better expected returns.
The collection stars Shin Se-kyung within the title position alongside Nam Joo-hyuk, Lim Ju-hwan, Krystal Jung and Gong Myung.
As a substitute, we constructed on the existing techniques, on a base that was designed for an entirely totally different kind of sport from what we had been making.
Simply put, the buyer invests a certain amount in a particular binary option and selects a maturity date, or a time when the option will be tested.
Other recent court docket circumstances have introduced up additional issues such as the inclusion of Christmas carols in public school performances, however none of those instances have reached the Supreme Court.
When you push the brake pedal, fluid is pumped by means of brake hoses or lines into pistons mounted on each wheel.
Another most important thing is to collect the information on those activities which are generally done by a bear in some areas.
Some folks can also need to consider platinum or white gold for making the mangalsutra.
Money markets, which give liquidity for the worldwide financial system together with for capital markets, are a part of the broader system of financial markets.
The present economic downturn has compelled several brands to rethink their enterprise models and customer processes in order to stay afloat.
Three short-lived cyclical bull markets occurred during this period, each of which lasted no more than two years.
Investment banks are two kinds.
After this, we knew we would have to interrupt maps up into small items.
For instance, wearing blue-light-blocking glasses or utilizing mild-blocking curtains in the bedroom may help create a darkish environment that promotes sleep.
LUKE 16. JOHN 17.
Beatrix “Trix” MacMillan – Timeless to The Gallifrey Chronicles.
Some feng shui masters and scholars don’t even acknowledge Black Hat as a result of it relies on the placement of objects.
Don’t put it off!
Class three storms have sustained winds of 111 to 129 miles (178 to 208 kilometers) per hour.
The demand skyrocketed, and inside the primary year, the demand rose to 100,000 Mannequin S’s needed to satisfy a market that was hungry for luxury electric automobiles.
It was totally typical in design, although nicely-built and very durable, due in no small half to its four principal bearings and totally counterweighted crankshaft.
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Once you do find places for everything, if you ever do, you have to organize those places so finding your supplies is intuitive, or at least kind of intuitive.
The 4 Virginia Firms mustered at Williamsburg, Virginia, in August 1740, but the transport ships did not set sail for Jamaica until early October.
Tip: Think about shifting questionable furnishings to a different part of your property.
On this occasion, your location helps to mitigate your danger.
The historical past of Mitsubishi can be traced again to the 1870s and initially starts with shipbuilding.
The survivors’ enduring psychological trauma will burden them for decades to come back.
And its many colours and mixtures go properly with your kitchen decor!
A small industry developed as “swill children” collected kitchen refuse to sell for pig feed and the rag and bone man traded items for bones (used for glue) and rags (important for paper manufacture prior to the invention of wooden pulping).
Slip the parts over the water inlet pipe below the tank in this order: coupling nut, friction washer, cone washer, and retaining or mounting nut.
USA – The chart-topping Grammy-nominated group Kaleo has by no means been afraid to cross boundaries and follow their very own course.